About the Blogger

Hi, I'm Mandy! I've been passionate about dogs for as long as I can remember. When I was little I devoured every dog book I could get my hands on, and on more than one Christmas morning there was an AKC guide waiting for me under the tree. By the time I was 8, I could identify hundreds of breeds on sight (a neat party trick for the adults in my life, hehe).

That passion has stuck with me through the years, and I developed an interest in rescue and training as time marched on. I fostered my first dog, a beautiful mutt in need that I found on vacation, in my college apartment thanks to a very understanding landlord. A few years later, and after purchasing a house of our own, Steven (the resident male two-legger) and I adopted our first dog together, Brugge, in April 2011. We vowed to foster as soon as we could put in a fence. Life had other plans and we stumbled upon Tim and Willem at the end of May of this year.

I had been thinking of starting a blog for a while, but the arrival of Tim and Willem (or TWill, as I like to collectively call them) gave me the push I needed. I plan to use this blog as a way of promoting my foster dogs (oh yes, there will be more of them), as well as a way to share the knowledge I have gleaned over the years. Brugge has not always been the easiest dog to care for, and I spent a lot of time researching things on the internet as well as talking to professionals to educate myself on how to raise her in a way that would be most beneficial to all of us. I have been told by veterinarians and trainers that Brugge was lucky to have us as pet parents, because while she is a sweet and fantastic dog, she is also very demanding. It's simply what you get when you combine high energy levels with high intelligence levels, and throw in a few wonky health problems to the mix. So much valuable brain real estate has been crammed with my findings that I figured I would share them with the world, and this seems like a great way to do that.

I have aspirations of becoming a certified dog trainer, but in the meantime I'm just an enthusiast, so take my advice and information with that in mind. In addition to promoting my fosters and sharing experience, I hope to use this blog to educate people on responsible pet ownership and spread the word about animal rescue.

In addition to dogs, my interests include; interior design, cars, books, movies, list-making, and organization.

I hope you enjoy this blog as much as I enjoy writing it!


P.S. - I love mail and social media! Email me with any comments/questions, or visit the Lace & Twill Facebook Page!

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