Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Unleash the Hounds!

To keep everyone safe and healthy, my vet recommended we keep TWill and Brugge separate for the first 7 days. Neither Tim nor Willem have shown any signs of an upper respiratory infection, and Brugge is fully vaccinated, but we would rather be safe than sorry. I'll admit, we fudged a wee bit to let everyone get familiar with each other by way of brief greetings on the way to and from walks, and walks with all 3 dogs being kept separate (with two people).

Today, quarantine is officially over! I started with a solo walk with all three dogs. It went amazingly well. Tim & Willem are fantastic on leash, and Brugge is much more laid back on walks when she has companions of the canine persuasion. I only had to untangle leashes twice, and they weren't very tangled to begin with. Once while I stopped to pick up poo and once when a neighbor with two dogs on flexi leashes approached; fortunately not close enough to get themselves tangled and turn it into an all out rope-burn fest. Lots of good natured sniffing and shuffling in both cases. Thank goodness for Brugge's European style lead. I wore it cross-body and held Tim and Will's flat leashes in my hands. My sweet neighbor and fellow dog rescuer loaned me a coupler, but I've found it's much easier to keep the boys from accidentally tinkling on each other if kept on separate leashes. Then it was a quick romp around the house and nap time.

Now, nap time is over. Currently, all three dogs are loose in the main part of our house. As I write this, Tim is taking turns sitting on my lap and tapping in with Willem, who is in epic puppy play battle mode with Brugge. Don't let Tim's size fool you, he's a pretty fierce competitor with his ankle gnawing moves. In summary, things are rocking along nicely at Lace & Twill Headquarters. More pictures and videos to follow, but for now, I leave you with this one:

Distance from camera determined by interest in treat vs. interest in exploring the kitchen table leg jungle ratio.


  1. Oh my gosh! Talk Steven into keeping them! They look so incredibly happy!

  2. These guys have an irrepressible sense of joy to them. I'm positive they will blossom in any home they go to so long as they have food, a soft bed, unlimited belly rubs, and maybe even a couple human kids to pal around with. :)
